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Maximize Your Time: Tips for Creating a Bullet Journal Weekly Spread

Tips for Creating a Bullet Journal Weekly Spread


Maximize Your Time: Tips for Creating a Bullet Journal Weekly Spread

Creating weekly spreads on bullet journals is beneficial, but learning how is challenging for many. Fortunately, there are easy-to-follow tips beginners can use to get the ball rolling.

Do you need help organizing your tasks for the day? Is time management a recurring problem? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, try bullet journaling

A bullet journal is like a next-level diary, not only meant for writing but for drawing, too. Instead of blank, lined pages, a bullet journal has sections to log daily to-dos, jot down notes, record short-and long-term goals, and keep a weekly or monthly calendar. 

Bullet journaling might seem overwhelming, but starting with the basics makes the process easier, like creating a weekly spread. Continue reading this article to learn how to make the most functional and aesthetic bullet journal weekly spreads, even as a newbie!

What is a Bullet Journal Weekly Spread?

A weekly spread is a journaling page with a section for each day of the week. These sections are where you will add your ongoing tasks logs, notes, trackers, and anything else you want to track for the week. 

Weekly and daily spreads have the same purpose — it’s where you add your tasks for a certain period, complete them, and then add notes. But the two differ in terms of how their layout looks. A daily spread or “dailies” usually has one page and only focuses on one day, while a weekly spread or “weeklies” are a two-page spread with days of the week divided into rows, columns, or boxes. 

Many choose to do weekly spreads over daily spreads because they’re less time-consuming to set up (you only have to set up once a week), you get a glance of your entire week, and you can divide your goals into smaller parts and accomplish them by the end of the week.

14 Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Ideas For Inspiration

Bullet journaling combines a journal and planner into one. But unlike regular planners, you can customize your bullet journal to best fit your needs and artistic style!

Still clueless on how to create bullet journal weekly spreads? Try out the tips below!

Go All-Out With Colors

Have fun creating your first-ever weekly spread by playing with colors in your bullet journal. You can incorporate the color palette of your favorite movie or character into your bullet journal, like this Troll-themed spread. If you want to add colors more subtly, choose pastels and then pair them with a colorful drawing, as seen on this spread.

Embrace Minimalism

Don’t want to add too many colors to your weekly spread? Don’t worry, you can always embrace a cleaner, more polished theme. Although this weekly spread uses minimal details and fewer colors, you can see that it’s still appealing and functional.

Keep Things Simple

Drawing and doodling on weekly spreads requires time — a resource most entrepreneurs lack. If you’re looking for a completely minimalist look for your weekly spreads and don’t want to spend too much time creating something colorful, try making simple spreads.

These spreads are a great compromise if you love pops of colors but don’t have the time or skills to turn your weekly spreads into artwork. This design from Happy Boju Life proves that you don’t need too many colors or art supplies to make something unique and creative. This peacock-themed design is also a must-try if you love blue, peacocks, or both!

Use One Page

We know, we mentioned that weekly spreads are two pages, but you don’t always have to follow the norm. If you only need one page for your weekly logs, go ahead and use one page.

When it comes to bullet journaling, using fewer pages doesn’t mean fewer opportunities to get creative. As you can see from this design, you can still keep track of your weekly progress while showcasing your love for flowers, despite using only one page. Here’s another one-page design that uses hints of colors and stickers without overcrowding the page.

Include as Many Details as Possible

While some people prefer using different pages for different purposes (one page for their mood tracker and then another for meal planning), others prefer having everything in one place. If you’re one of the latter, maximize your weekly spreads by adding as many details as possible. 

Using the right layout and design, creating an all-in-one weekly spread doesn’t have to result in cramped, poorly designed pages. Take it from Plan To Succeed, who maximized her weekly spread by tracking her mood, sleep, water intake, and grocery list using only two pages. Here’s another design inspiration from Writing Bravely. As you can see, her weekly spread also contains her meal plan and water intake.

Add Stickers

Need a quick fix to add more character to your weekly spreads? Play around with stickers. Stickers are available in all sorts of designs, sizes, and colors, so you can buy ones that match your personality or chosen theme. 

Depending on your preferences, you can use stickers as borders or incorporate them into your lists. Consider pairing stickers with colorful washi tapes to add more color to the pages in seconds!

Use Sections and Structure

For those who prefer creating a to-do list with more sections and structure, this design tip is for you. Look at this design and see how straightforward and clutter-free it is. It only uses rectangular shapes to help you plan for the entire week.

Here’s another design with sections and structure. This time, it uses circles and rectangles arranged horizontally as to-do lists.

Draw Doodles

Love making doodles of all sorts? If so, add as many doodles as you want in your weekly spreads. Aside from being therapeutic, doodling also allows your creativity to shine.

Are you a fan of flowers? Doodle colorful flowers around your to-do lists to make your weekly spread unique and appealing. Always dreamt of riding hot air balloons? Show your excitement by doodling some in your weekly spread. Love the beach? Add a colorful border with seashells inside your weekly spread.

Stick to a Citrus Theme

For orange fanatics (both the fruit and the color), using a citrus theme for your weekly spread is an excellent choice. This theme is easy to copy — all you need are black- and orange-colored pens — and very refreshing to the eyes. 

You can arrange your weekly to-do lists using vertical or horizontal boxes and add orange doodles anywhere on the pages. Or, for a more subtle take on the theme, highlight headers with an orange marker and add some orange stickers on the sides.

Create a Neutral Planner

Neutral colors are easy on the eyes, so why not incorporate them into your weekly spreads? These colors are inherently flexible — you can use them to create all sorts of to-do lists or track different things for the week. 

There are plenty of ways to use neutral colors on your weekly spreads, like adding neutral-colored stickers or highlighting important texts in neutral-colored markers.

Decorate With Floral Borders

Consider decorating with floral borders if you’re looking forward to trying out creative themes for your weekly spread. It’s a simple way of adding character and colors to your bullet journal. 

Here’s a great design from Whimsical Doodles. The pages use flower borders with different hues of blue and then paired with blue highlights in the to-do lists.

Play With Intricate Designs

No, intricate designs don’t require experience or tons of art materials to replicate. Intricate designs come in a wide variety, meaning you have options regardless of how busy you are during the day.

Don’t believe us? Here’s a simple yet beautiful weekly spread from The Craftroom Project using only dots in different shades and sizes.

Try Staggered Days

The to-do lists in your weekly spread don’t have to come in the same shapes or orientations. Make your weekly spread more fun by using staggered days

 Check out this design from Enemesis_4. Each day uses a different layout, giving the weekly spread a more interesting design. This layout also provides more flexibility as you can make the blocks smaller or bigger, depending on your to-do list for that day.

Display Your Love for the Tropics

This tropic-themed layout creates the perfect balance between function and aesthetics. It’s compact, giving you plenty of space to add notes, stick scraps, and draw doodles, yet aesthetic due to its tropical leaf doodles. This beginner-friendly design requires minimal materials and takes a couple of minutes to make!

Enjoy Bullet Journaling Today

Did any of these layouts catch your eye? One of the best things about bullet journaling is there’s no set layout, meaning you can flex your creative muscle by designing spreads any way you want. You can entirely copy the tips mentioned here or add your personal touch to make the design unique.

No matter what approach you take, what matters is you start now. With the tips mentioned here, turning your weekly spreads into functional and creative pages becomes a piece of cake!

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