Science Says
Unlocking the Flow State: The Science Behind Peak Performance and How to Achieve It
2 months agoEver wondered how some people make complex work look effortless? They just seem to get into...
Bouncing Back from Rejection: What Science Reveals About the Power of Social Connection
3 months agoAs business owners, freelancers, and founders, we often face situations that can feel like social rejection...
The Brain’s ‘Precision Mode’ Could be the Key to Unlocking Your Next Level of Success
4 months agoAs business owners, we don’t think about many of the things we do and decisions we...
Struggling with Business Stress? Neuroscience Says You’re Timing Your Rewards Wrong
4 months agoWe often think of rewards as something to enjoy after accomplishing something challenging—watching a few episodes...
Beyond Experience: Why Self-Esteem Matters More Than Years in Business
4 months agoSome weeks you may feel unstoppable in your business while others make you question every decision....
New Research Reveals Surprising Insights About How We Plan and Make Decisions
5 months agoWhen faced with important decisions, how much time should we spend planning? When is it worth...
Keypads Vs Pens: Why Handwriting Still Matters in the Digital Age
6 months agoFrom grocery lists on your notes app to contracts with clients in your Google Drive, digital...
The Friction Trick: Turn Your Brain’s ‘Laziness’ into Your Superpower
8 months agoOur brains are efficiency experts, constantly seeking ways to conserve energy and bandwidth. This kind of...
Rethinking Creativity in the Age of Intelligent Machines: The Human-AI Collaboration
8 months agoLet’s address the elephant in the room. What CAN’T AI do? With the rapid pace of...
Recharge Your Brain in a Flash: The 5-Minute Indoor Nature Fix
10 months agoWhen we start to feel burned out and overwhelmed, we often think of getting away on...